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Project Closed - The paper manufacturing chain

paper recycling - photo: GIFCO (Gruppo Italiano Fabbricanti Cartone Ondulato)

With an estimated turnover of €, Lucca's paper industry is the primary manufacturing sector in the Province. The sector provides roughly 5,500 jobs and in terms of employment is the second biggest in the area. The Lucca paper industry accounts for approximately 80% and over 30% of Italian tissue paper and corrugated cardboard output, respectively. There are approximately 200 companies in the paper industry and they are located primarily in the Medivalle Lucchese and Garfagnana. These firms can broken down as follows: 4.5% produce corrugated cardboard, 42% manufacture paper and 53.5% make paper and similar goods. The marked rise in both domestic and industrial paper consumption in western countries has led to significant increases in exports from the province.

the paper manufacturing chain
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